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Re: - cookies and privacy

> This sort of thing, people trying to 'work out what sort of person' I am,
> really damn well f*****g annoys me. If I was to get heated about it, and a
> little off the track, I'd say it was akin to 'electronic jingoism/fascism/
> racism'.. 'Oh! He uses SunOS! We dont want to know him!!!!'
> So, do us all a favour and try and make US, the end users, feel like we
> have opinions that are worth listening to, mouth/fingers to express those
> opinions and a mind to link the two together!!!

I was going to say "How Un-American of you, Steff.  Didn't you know that 
marketing of this sort is the basic principle that our country was founded 
on."  But then I noticed that you're British.

The sad thing is that there is an entire industry out there that believes the 
mythology that one can usefully group people into arbitrary collections of 
"consumers" and thereby make lots of money.

Like yourself, I can't be easily identified by the platform I visit the web 
with.  From home, I generally use Cyberdog on a Mac.  While at client sites I 
generally use netscape on whatever platform is in front of me.  My prefered 
mode is to surf from the Mac while working on a Unix box (SunOS, Solaris, 
Linux, HPUX, AIX, whatever....)  Their methodology would probably tag me as a 
"Mac Person" but I spend/recommend much more in the Unix world.

Fortunately, I tend to avoid commercial sites like the plague and run with 
images turned off anyway, so I don't get a lot of this crap...let's see, at 
this site my only cookie is ".netscape.com".  Whoops...didn't change my home 
page soon enough.

At another client that I use the web from, my cookies are .netscape.com, 
.mcom.com (interesting...aren't those the same?), .adobe.com, and 
.infoseek.com (I couldn't find something with dejanews one day).


Chris Garrigues                    O-              cwg@DeepEddy.Com
  Deep Eddy Internet Consulting                     +1 512 432 4046
  609 Deep Eddy Avenue
  Austin, TX  78703-4513              http://www.DeepEddy.Com/~cwg/

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